Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thing 15: Digg

Help! I am on information overload! And since I deal in information in my professional life this is really becoming a problem.

Playing around on Ning was a lot of fun and I found some really interesting articles, including one on what Web 2.0 can learn from Web 1.0. It brought back a lot of memories abouut CompuServe, BBS.s. I used to read PACS-l. Does anyone else remember this?

I already try to keep current. I admit to considering myself a news junkie, I read USA Today and Wall Street Journal on my iPhone, watching way too much CNN (except when the Food Network trumps it. I read selected news feeds on the Web. I am note sure I want another news source to monitor.

I know that I could waste hours on Digg. I am glad to know it is there and to learn about it and will probably spend some time there in the future. Thanks for the experience!

1 comment:

  1. Janet, I do remember both Compuserve (though I never had an account) and BBSs. I also used DECNET back in the days when the Internet was still the ARPAnet. Remember how exciting your first EGA monitor was!? ;)
